Cultivating Leaders for Change

Planting Seeds of Growth,


Dr. Rachelle Rogers-Ard founded Harvest Consulting in 2019 as the Principal Lead, content designer, leadership and organizational development specialist, and training facilitator. “Harvest” resonates with Dr. Rogers-Ard, whose purpose on this planet is to grow people; the notion of planting seeds that allow people to be nourished and thrive is Dr. Rogers- Ard’s particular joy.

Now in its fifth year, Harvest Consulting partners with K-12 public and charter schools, higher education institutions, County Offices of Education, as well as city and county offices to provide executive coaching, antiracist training, antiracist organizational and leadership development, organizational values implementation, educator pipeline development, educator pedagogical skill building, and other strategic initiatives.

“Leadership is, at its core, an extension of you: your beliefs, values, self-awareness, and your willingness to extend to others.”

— Dr. Rachelle Rogers-Ard, 2023


“The sun doesn’t refuse to shine and neither do I”

  • Text " Ignite The Change! How can I bring more me into my leadership?"
  • Photo of a group of people in  a session talking a picture of a screen. Title " Organizational Development" with the explanation of the service
  • Dr. Rachelle Rogers-Ard smiling to a table. Title " Leadership Training" with the explanation of the service
  • Dr. Rachelle Rogers-Ard embracing a smiling participant. Title " Executive Caoching" with the explanation of the service
A book titled Black Educational Lead sitting on a deskership
A white woman holding a book titled Black Educational Leadership

Black Educational Leadership

Dr. Rachelle Rogers-Ard & Christopher Knaus use Critical Race Theory and Anti-Racist Pedagogy to highlight the lives of several Black school leaders and one school district administrator as they continue to develop anti-racist, purpose-driven leadership identities. Recognizing that schools within the United States maintain racial disparities, the authors highlight Black leaders who transform school systems.

From Silencing to Authenticity

Hear From Past Participants